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  • Writer's pictureCapt Thomas

3200t DP2 PSV of UT755CD Design for Sale

UT755CD Platform Supply Vessel

Length over all 78.70m

Length b.p. 70.10m

Breath moulded 16.00m

Draft designed 5.10m

Scantling draft 5.90m

Accommodation : 26 P

Deadweight(T=5.8m) approx 3200 t

Deck cargo c.o.g.1 m above main deck approx 1600 t Cargo deck, free area approx 670 m2 Tankage (approx.)

Fuel Oil(dedicated tanks) : abt. 390m3

Fuel Oil(incl.dual tanks) : abt. 900m3

Ballast/Drill water abt.1400m3

Dry bulk cargo tanks(Cement/Baryte) abt. 250m3

Base oil abt. 165m3

Mud/brine abt. 800m3

Special products/Methanol abt. 145m3

Main diesel engines 4 x 910 ekw/1800RPM

Main generators 4x1138KVA/60Hz

Emergency generator 1x118KVA/60Hz

Azimuth thruster 2x1470kw/1200RPM

Speed : 14.5kn (T=4.0m), 12.0kn (T=5.0m)

Contact us for full details and price guidance.

All details without guarantee.

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